Ever wish you had a business mentor with over a decade of experience whispering success secrets in your ear? That’s exactly what you’ll get when you tune into the top-ranked Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast with your host, 9 to 5er turned CEO of a multi-million dollar business & NY Times Best Selling Author, Amy Porterfield. Her specialty? Breaking down big ideas and strategies into actionable step-by-step processes designed to get you results with a whole lot less stress. Tune in, get inspired, and get ready to discover why hundreds of thousands of online business owners turn to Amy for guidance when it comes to all things online business including digital courses, list building, social media, content, webinars, and so much more. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, have a comfy side-hustle, or are looking to take your business to the next level, each episode is designed to help you take immediate action on the most important strategies for starting and growing your online business today.
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Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield
#672: The One Word That Led Me to Have My Best Year in Business Yet
Thu Apr 18 2024
Do it. And I really do believe that that word unreasonable contributed to having the biggest year in our business. The goal we hit was unreasonable. The things we did were unreasonable. I did a 170 podcasts for my book. That feels very unreasonable. I never wanna do that again, but I did it. And we hit the New York Times bestseller list 2 weeks in a row for someone who has never done anything like that before that felt unreasonable. And so it really just served us in a really big way. 2023 was so successful, thanks in part to our word, that we decided we're gonna choose another word for 2024. Now to be honest, I kinda just wanted to use the same word and roll it into 2024 because it works so well for us and I identify with that word. And I didn't wanna lose the momentum, but 2024 is very different than 2023. I do not have a book this year. And our goals do look very different, and we're restructuring some of our departments. So it kinda changes things up. It's just a different year like it is for all of Right? So when I looked at my CEO jaws and I said, why wouldn't we just use the same word unreasonable? She kinda reeled me in and she said, we just had an unreasonable year. We're not looking for major growth in 2024. By design, we're not We're looking for stabilization at the level we're at now so we can continue to up level in the coming years. So I had already known that. We're not trying to do major growth this year. We wanna stabilize. We took such a big jump from 2022 to 2023. We just wanna stabilize and make sure we could do that again. Now fast forward to our leadership meeting. We are trying to think of a word. So It's hard to get all 22 full time employees to weigh in on the word. So I usually just do it at the leadership level
Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield
#671: A Look Inside My Membership: Momentum
Tue Apr 16 2024
Automating and scaling your business. And then it would loop back to the beginning because we go through phases in my business of focusing on list building, and then we might create a new course or update a course. Then we're launching again. Then we wanna move to automation, but then we can be back to launching again. So it's kind of like you just go in the circle of how you do business. And while it made sense in theory, we found that this didn't translate great to how our members flowed through or worked through the content in our membership. So we're always learning and so we pivoted. What we do now is, and what seems to work really great, is breaking the content up into stages. So how this works is when a member goes into their member hub, they can select a stage that they are currently at in their business. So these stages include list building, course creation, marketing, and launching, and then also scaling and automating. So by selecting which stage you're in, the hub, this is what's so cool about Searchie, the hub will automatically filter the content to provide you with the essentials for that stage. That means what's most supportive and suitable for where you're at right now and what you're focused on in your business in real time will show up for you. Now at any point, a member can come in and adjust the stage that they're in. And, again, the content in the hub will then reflect that specific stage. Now to be clear, they have access to all the content at any time because every time I do a new training, it goes into the library. But to make it a little more personalized and also not so overwhelming, I have years of content in there. I don't want them to look at a 100 different trainings and try to decide which one is for them. So the more personalized and digestible I can make it for them, the better. So that's how we've broken it up.
Good and bad. But you can't you can't do, like, your very best when there's not a little bit of fear, and there was no fear left with that. So one of the things that was just kinda like God smiling on me was when I first got that job to get that job, I had basically an audition. So think about it. I'm gonna be leaving these trainings. They need to know that I'm good. Well, I needed that job. So I had a I put together I basically invited a bunch of friends. I I rented a room. I was living in Portland at the time. Rented a room at Lewis and Clark University, and I, like, I practiced the workshops so that when I got in front of Duarte, people would be awesome. Well, I impressed one of those friends so much that he just started plugging me in with other people. So my friend Chase connected me to a corporate bar right away. I had no idea what to do. I had no idea what to charge him. I helped him. I was too chicken to charge him anything, but we've all done that. But his talk was awesome. He had to talk at the conference, so he paid $0 to have the best speech at Blogworld, whatever year that was. And when you're just starting out, even like a side hustle, you do a lot for free. That's normal. Yep. And then Chase introduced me to Pat Flynn. Now this is he's not, like, Pat Flynn yet. In fact, when I told friends Pat Flynn at the time, there was a quarterback for the Seahawks named Matt Flynn. People thought I was talking about him. They're like, no. No. No. This guy, he runs this site. Like, big affiliate marketer guy. And Pat always remember our first call. He'd given one speech before. He had tried to memorize the whole thing. And I was like, oh, dude, we're not doing that anymore. And Pat, still to this day, like, credits me with just opening up what was possible with speeches. He realized that you can make it fun, you can be super creative. All of Pat's I mean, he is just so wonderful on stage now, but like, I helped unlock that for him. And so there are a bunch of things like that, working with Amy more than once as a side project. So when I look back at it now, I wouldn't have phrased it this way at the time, but it's like one of the things, Amy, that you always talk about is bet on yourself. And I think if you're not careful, as an audience member, you can
Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield
#669: The Genius Business Idea I Wish I Had Thought of Sooner
Tue Apr 09 2024
When you structure your team, it's not just about what you need in the business, but what is going to be the best support and service for your students or clients? And so when you're making decisions on building out your team and structuring your team and who you're going to hire, you've gotta ask, is this going to make a difference in supporting our students and helping them get results faster? I'm Amy Porterfield, ex corporate girl turned CEO of a multi seven figure business. But it wasn't all that long ago that I lacked the confidence, the budget, and the time to focus on growing my small but mighty business. Fast forward past many failed attempts and lessons learned, and you'll see the business I have today, one that changes lives and gives me more freedom than I ever thought possible, one that used to only exist as a daydream. I created the online marketing made easy podcast to give you simple, actionable, step by step strategies to help you do the same. If you're an ambitious entrepreneur or one in the making who's looking to create a business that makes an impact and a life you love, You're in the right place, friend. Let's get started. I know you're focused on marketing and selling your digital products, but I know many of you also have physical products, and I wanna talk about Shopify. Shopify is a user friendly commerce platform that helps you, my dear online entrepreneur, build an online store and make more sales at any stage of your business. They're the force behind Allbirds, Rothy's, Brooklinen, and millions of other businesses at every size. Let me tell you why Shopify is an online entrepreneur's dream platform. It's because it helps turn your browser
So those of you who are listening, you're like already deciding what you are. Don't do that. Just wait a second, or you can, but you're gonna take the quiz at the end. I'm gonna tell you where to go and what to do, but stay with me because those of you who are listening are online marketers, are building businesses online. You wanna learn how this worked, how she was able to grow to 30,000 plus new subscribers. That's a very big deal. Many people won't get 30,000 subscribers in a year, Harley, because, So that's, like, a big deal to have you here, right, to talk about this. Okay. So you were sitting around, and then you started talking with your team, like, what kind of animal are you? What are you? How did that turn into a quiz? So from there, I got the suggestion. I mean, I had been getting the suggestion in my comments section. All I had to do was respond. Yeah. And that's really the thing, is not creating something that is so brand new and out of this world. That's not what we need. We need something we know with a little twist, something that's familiar with a little fun element added in, and that's really what I created. So I went to I I think I spent hours one night just sitting on my computer thinking of the most ridiculous, girly, like, magazine, Tiger Beat, cosmopolitan worthy questions that I could think of. And this is part of it. Right? I want people to finish this quiz. Mhmm. So I have to give them the questions where they don't necessarily know what they are picking Yes. From those answers. That was massively important. And also, it doesn't feel that deep. Mhmm. We have to make it easy. We have to make it easy. If I ask you what your I don't know. I think I do ask you what your deepest fear is in this in this quiz, but that's what I was gonna say. If I asked you what your deepest fear is on the Internet, you'd be like, okay, girl. Yes. Exactly. The way those questions were asked were very